26 Almost “Non-Technical” SEO Mistakes to Avoid To Better Rank on Google [Infographic]
If you are like me my eyes cross and my brain freezes when I read an article about how to rank better on Google. Most of the time it is very technical and oftentimes confusing as to what to do and how. Even I struggle sometimes to figure it out. Could someone give me something that is simple to understand and more than likely the average website owner could even do it themselves? Well, finally the folks at Hosting Clues did!
These are simple, common sense mistakes to avoid so your ranking in Google or other search engines won’t suffer over time. We see many of these common mistakes in websites we review and here is an easy way to avoid them now. Take a look at these on the list and recommend any that need to be added! Let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting these corrected by calling us at 404.425.9573 or email us at team@csmediagroup.com.
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