Last week you freaked out! This week it is time to get to work.

We are launching a five-week campaign called "Operation: Recovery!" starting April 20th! Last week you freaked out about the beer virus but now it's time to get to work. Time to make sure your company will turn all of today's April showers into those amazing May flowers of opportunities that are right around the corner.

We will be discussing a range of topics such as looking at new marketing technologies you've always wanted to try like Instagram, Spark AR, Messenger, and TikTok. We will also explore what your new, post-virus, ideal customer will look like, how to create a simple customer message, developing an effective sales pitch/funnel as well as creating an effective marketing plan marching forward. Then our last session will wrap up with what to do next to come roaring back once the country is open for business.

The best part we are giving all this content, resources and information away for FREE! Plus you can get a 30-minute, no strings attached, FREE Strategy Session with one of our team members. It’s our way to say thanks for the many blessing we have had over the last 27+ years from working with so many great customers. Plus we want to remind you it’s time to get rid of that stink’n thinking because your company’s best years are just ahead.

We are pretty excited about the content, resources, and experts we have lined up over the next five weeks. We sure hope you'll join us and participate in the discussion with us with your own thoughts and ideas as we go forward.

Start 05

Week #1: So Where Do I begin?

Coming Soon!

Start 02

Week #2: Do You Speak Prospect?

Coming Soon!

Start 03

Week #3: Building An Effective Marketing & Sales Machine

Coming Soon!

Start 04

Week #4: Design – Develop – Execute

Coming Soon!

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Week #5: Ready – Set – GOOOOO!

Coming Soon!