4 Ways Blogging Can Help Your Business!

With the craze of social networking and all the buzz you here about blogging, Twittering and more does it make sense to start a corporate blog?  You bet!

Here are four ways blogging can help your business (we know because we are using the same techniques to grow ours):

  1. Blogging puts a face to our business – People have a tendency to buy from people they know, even if that relationship is virtual.  When you blog you are building a relationship of trust and confidence.
  2. Blogging helps new customers find us — Since blogs are now search engine friendly you can use the power of your blog to add more content to the search engines to improve your rankings.
  3. Blogging demonstrates our expertise in our business field — Our hope is by blogging about the problems we are solving for our clients, those who have been hanging around our blog, but never bought might cross the line and begin a relationship dialogue with us because of our insight.  They may even give us a vote of confidence that we know what we are talking about.
  4. Blogging is our way of educational marketing — We are trying to be practical bloggers and give readers something they can use in their businesses. Blogging is a great medium to teach from. Since the web is immediate we can share with our readers valuable insight, tips and information  to them even if they don’t buy from us.

As you can see blogging has some tremedous up side for any business in building customer loyalty and confidence.  Our followup article to this will be how to actively start and maintain a corporate blog.

As always we welcome you comments and thoughts about corporate blogging.

Social Media

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