Top 16 Best Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership Articles of the Year
Wow! These 16 articles have something for everyone! I have to say the information is relevant and exciting if you are looking to grow your business in 2015! Here is the list and the link!
1. Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid
2. How to Turn Small Talk Into Smart Conversation
3. Richard Branson to Young Entrepreneurs: ‘Just Do It’
4. Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
5. The Top 5 Reasons Why ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong
6. Why You Hate Work
7. Think You’re Too Old To Be An Entrepreneur? Think Again. (Infographic)
8. 10 Reasons You Have To Quite Your Job In 2014
9. 6 Toxic Behaviors That Push People Away: How to Recognize Them In Yourself and Change Them
10. 50 Signs You Might be An Entrepreneur
11. How to Become a Millionaire By Age 30
12. Why Google Doesn’t Care About College Degrees
13. How Thing’s Change
14. How Quitting My Corporate Job For My Startup Dream F*cked My Life Up
15. 7 Things Remarkable Happy People Do Often
16. The Day I Stopped Saying “Hurry Up”
Our Po!nt: Never stop learning from those that go before us. What are some of your best articles of the year that impacted you or your business? Please share!!