Demand Generation

Content Marketing Is The Key To Demand Generation

In today’s competitive digital world, capturing customer attention and driving demand for your products or services is a constant challenge. This is where content marketing and demand generation come in. While they may seem like separate entities, they are actually intricately linked and can amplify each other’s effectiveness significantly.

The Intersection of Content Marketing and Demand Generation:

  • Content marketing: the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience.
  • Demand generation: the broader set of activities aimed at creating awareness and demand for a product or service.

When these two strategies are combined, they create a powerful synergy that:

  • Attracts potential customers
  • Nurtures relationships
  • Converts leads into customers
  • Drives sales

Benefits of Content Marketing for Demand Generation:

  • Provides value and builds trust: Content that addresses your audience’s needs and pain points establishes your brand as a thought leader and builds trust, making them more likely to engage with you.
  • Boosts SEO and organic traffic: High-quality content gets indexed by search engines, increasing your website’s visibility and driving organic traffic.
  • Nurturing leads and moving them through the sales funnel: Different types of content cater to different stages of the sales funnel, providing valuable information at each step and guiding potential customers towards conversion.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to traditional marketing methods, content marketing offers a higher return on investment.

Creating Effective Content for Demand Generation:

  • Define your audience: Understand your target audience’s needs, challenges, and interests to tailor your content accordingly.
  • Set clear objectives: What do you want to achieve with your content? Increased brand awareness, higher website traffic, or more leads?
  • Choose the right content types: Blogs, articles, webinars, infographics, ebooks, case studies, and social media posts are all effective formats for different stages of the demand generation funnel.
  • Focus on value and quality: Provide actionable insights, solve problems, and offer unique perspectives to keep your audience engaged.
  • Optimize for search engines: Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and internal linking to improve your website’s SEO ranking.
  • Include strong calls to action: Guide your audience towards the next step, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase.

Beyond Content Creation:

  • Content distribution: Utilize various channels like social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach your target audience.
  • Metrics and analytics: Track key metrics like website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates to measure the effectiveness of your content and make adjustments as needed.
  • Ethical considerations: Be transparent, respect data privacy, and avoid misleading claims to build trust with your audience.

Future of Content-Driven Demand Generation:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI-powered tools will personalize content delivery and create interactive experiences.
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): Immersive content formats will enhance engagement and brand storytelling.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Comprehensive data analysis will optimize content strategy and effectiveness.

Actionable Steps:

  • Review your current content marketing strategy.
  • Define your target audience and their needs.
  • Set clear objectives for your content.
  • Create a content calendar to plan and organize your content creation.
  • Diversify your content formats and channels.
  • Track key metrics and analyze the results.
  • Test and adapt your strategy based on data and insights.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your content marketing efforts are effectively driving demand generation and contributing to your business success.


Content marketing plays a crucial role in driving demand generation and achieving your business goals. By understanding the principles, creating high-quality content, and staying ahead of trends, you can leverage this powerful tool to attract and convert potential customers, build your brand, and drive success.

Building an effective digital marketing program for your business can be confusing today due to the many available options. Pull out your calendar right now and let’s schedule a time when we can figure out together the ONE BIG THING you should do first to get more prospects aware of your products and services that will convert them to customers as well as start an effective marketing plan to get your brand IN Demand! Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call to audit your current marketing plan for better results.

Oh!  When we do talk, you will get our “No Pitching” guarantee. No pitching means we will not try and sell you in any way. If you want MORE after 30 minutes you will have to ask for it!  We think that sounds fair, don’t you? Well, after all, that is what we are known for.

FOCUS 24 Series Discussion Topics

Marketing Plan
The businessman is working on marketing plan ideas at the desk

What Should Your 2024 Marketing Plan Look Like?

As we approach the end of another year, it’s crucial to assess the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy and begin planning for the future. This process requires a data-driven approach, honest self-evaluation, and a focus on customer-centricity.

Step 1: Evaluate Performance and Identify Opportunities

  1. Review Objectives: Revisit your documented business objectives for the year and analyze the extent to which your marketing strategy has achieved them.
  2. Data-Driven Analysis: Gather data from all marketing channels and meticulously analyze their performance against your objectives. Prioritize metrics directly tied to business outcomes, such as conversions or revenue, rather than vanity metrics.
  3. Identify Winners and Losers: Based on your analysis, clearly identify the channels and tactics that are contributing to your goals and those that are falling short.
  4. Cut Underperforming Channels: Eliminate channels that demonstrate consistently poor performance. Reevaluate them in the future if they show potential to align with your evolving objectives.
  5. Address Leaks and Optimize Budgets: Identify areas where marketing dollars are not being utilized efficiently. Address these “leaks” through creative adjustments, channel optimization, or budget reallocation.

Step 2: Assess Implementation and Identify Challenges

  1. Review Strategic Plan: Thoroughly review your written strategic marketing plan and evaluate the extent of its implementation.
  2. Identify Obstacles: Note any unforeseen challenges or roadblocks that hindered the execution of your planned activities.
  3. Analyze Underlying Reasons: Honestly assess the reasons why certain planned activities were not implemented. Consider manpower limitations, creative discrepancies, stakeholder buy-in challenges, or budget constraints.
  4. Develop Proactive Solutions: Formulate strategies to address anticipated obstacles and ensure smoother implementation of future plans.

Step 3: Plan for the Future

  1. Initiate Budget Discussions: Begin preliminary discussions with stakeholders to determine potential increases or decreases in the marketing budget based on anticipated performance and business objectives.
  2. Assess Time and Talent: Evaluate the available time and skillset of your team members and identify any potential gaps. Consider external support, hiring, or training initiatives to address talent needs.
  3. Revisit Previously Discarded Strategies: Reassess previously discarded tactics and channels to see if they align better with your current objectives and market conditions.
  4. Gather Customer Feedback: Collect quantitative and qualitative feedback from your customers to understand their preferences, pain points, and the journey to choosing your brand. This invaluable data should inform your future marketing strategy development.

Key Takeaways:

  • Base your marketing strategy on data and analytics, not assumptions or gut feelings.
  • Be honest about performance challenges and address them proactively.
  • Continuously seek to understand your ideal customer through research and feedback.
  • Develop a data-driven and customer-centric marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives.
  • Be prepared to adapt and evolve your strategy as the market and your business needs change.

By following these steps and embracing a data-driven approach, you can develop a powerful marketing strategy that will propel your business forward in 2024.

Building an effective digital marketing program for your business can be confusing today due to the many available options. Pull out your calendar right now and let’s schedule a time when we can figure out together the ONE BIG THING you should do first to get more prospects aware of your products and services that will convert them to customers as well as start an effective marketing plan to get your brand IN Demand! Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call to audit your current marketing plan for better results.

Oh!  When we do talk, you will get our “No Pitching” guarantee. No pitching means we will not try and sell you in any way. If you want MORE after 30 minutes you will have to ask for it!  We think that sounds fair, don’t you? Well, after all, that is what we are known for.

FOCUS 24 Series Discussion Topics

Building a Robust Marketing Strategy

Building a Robust Marketing Strategy: A 7-Step Guide

Building a robust marketing strategy is fundamental to any business’s success. However, confusion can arise surrounding this crucial concept. In essence, a marketing strategy represents the comprehensive plan an organization employs to attract customers by communicating its unique value proposition and key differentiators. It’s the overarching vision that informs the detailed marketing plan, which addresses the critical question: how will you utilize specific tactics to achieve your goals and bring your strategy to life?

To assist you in crafting an effective action plan, we’ve outlined seven essential steps to guide your research and development process:

1. Conduct a SWOT Analysis:

This insightful exercise helps identify your business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). By involving diverse colleagues, you gain a comprehensive perspective on your internal capabilities, external challenges, and potential growth opportunities. This information serves as the foundation for informed decision-making throughout your strategy development.

2. Define Your Value Proposition:

A strong marketing strategy stems from a clearly defined value proposition. This concise statement captures your core strengths and competitive advantages, differentiating your business from the rest. It’s crucial to invest significant time and effort into crafting your value proposition, as it serves as a powerful conversion tool and can decisively influence customer purchasing decisions.

3. Determine Marketing Strategy Objectives:

Organizations rely on clearly defined objectives to communicate and measure their goals. These objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART), enabling you to assess the success and effectiveness of your marketing strategy. SMART objectives ensure alignment across teams, coordinated efforts, and accountability for achieving desired results. Aim for 3-5 key objectives and regularly evaluate their efficacy, adapting as needed.

4. Understand Your Customers:

Customer-centricity is a key buzzword in the marketing world, emphasizing the importance of aligning your products and services with your customers’ needs and desires. To effectively address these needs, you must first gain a deep understanding of your target audience. Utilize online platforms and tools to gather valuable insights into your customers’ demographics, online behavior, and conversations.

5. Define Your Buyer Personas:

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, offering a humanized perspective and facilitating deeper understanding. By analyzing data from website analytics, social media, customer reviews, and direct interactions, you can create detailed personas that capture their backgrounds, preferences, and demographic details. This information informs your communication strategy, guiding you toward the most appropriate channels, tone of voice, and style for each persona.

6. Analyze Your Market and Competitors:

A successful marketing strategy thrives in a competitive landscape. To gain a competitive edge, you need to possess comprehensive knowledge of your market and your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Utilize intelligent platforms like Brandwatch to gather valuable insights and identify potential market gaps, unfulfilled customer needs, industry trends, and innovative ideas.

7. Establish Your Marketing Methods:

Tailoring your marketing methods to your target audience is crucial for effective communication and brand messaging. Identify the platforms they frequent (social media channels, blogs, websites, forums) and leverage them to connect with your audience. Determine early on which marketing areas you’ll focus on (advertising, PR, content marketing, SEO, etc.) and allocate appropriate resources considering your budget and target audience.

By following these seven steps and conducting thorough research, you can develop a robust and effective marketing strategy that positions your business for success in the competitive marketplace. Remember, your strategy should be a dynamic document, continuously evolving and adapting to market shifts and customer needs.

Building an effective digital marketing program for your business can be confusing today due to the many available options. Pull out your calendar right now and let’s schedule a time when we can figure out together the ONE BIG THING you should do first to get more prospects aware of your products and services that will convert them to customers as well as start an effective marketing plan to get your brand IN Demand! Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call to audit your current marketing plan for better results.

Oh!  When we do talk, you will get our “No Pitching” guarantee. No pitching means we will not try and sell you in any way. If you want MORE after 30 minutes you will have to ask for it!  We think that sounds fair, don’t you? Well, after all, that is what we are known for.

FOCUS 24 Series Discussion Topics

Marketing Rules

Marketing’s 95/5 Rule That They Didn’t Tell You About

The 95-5 rule is a fundamental concept for business growth in the B2B landscape. It states that only 5% of your target market is actively seeking a solution at any given time. The remaining 95%, while not currently in the buying cycle, represent your future customer base. This emphasizes the importance of demand generation as a key strategy for building brand awareness and nurturing relationships long before buyers are ready to purchase.

The Problem with Lead-Gen:

Traditionally, B2B marketing has focused heavily on lead generation, targeting individuals actively searching for solutions. While lead generation remains important, it only addresses the 5% of your market that is currently in-market. This approach ignores the vast potential of the 95% who are not actively seeking a solution but may become future customers.

The Benefits of Demand Generation:

Shifting from lead-gen to demand-gen offers several advantages:

  • Long-Term Relationship Building: Demand generation focuses on nurturing relationships with potential customers and industry influencers, building trust and loyalty over time. This leads to stronger sales conversions and long-term customer value.
  • Wider Audience Reach: Demand generation strategies reach a broader audience, including those not actively searching for your product. This expands your potential customer base and opens doors to new markets.
  • Reduced Dependence on Inbound Leads: By proactively creating interest, you reduce reliance on inbound leads, making your marketing efforts more predictable and less dependent on immediate market trends.
  • Brand Building: Demand generation activities like content marketing and social media engagement enhance your brand’s reputation and authority, attracting and converting leads more effectively.
  • Adaptation to Changing Buyer Behavior: Modern consumers are more informed and empowered, requiring businesses to adapt their marketing strategies. Demand generation aligns with this shift by providing valuable content throughout the customer journey, not just at the point of purchase.
  • Better ROI: While lead generation may offer short-term gains, demand generation provides a superior ROI over the long term. By nurturing relationships and focusing on the entire customer journey, you increase customer lifetime value and generate more sustainable revenue.
  • Alignment with Modern Marketing Techniques: Demand generation leverages modern marketing techniques such as inbound marketing, content marketing, and social media engagement, maximizing their effectiveness in today’s digital landscape.
  • Competitive Advantage: By adopting demand generation, you differentiate yourself from competitors who rely solely on lead-gen, gaining a competitive advantage through a strong brand presence and consistent customer engagement.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Demand generation utilizes data analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to refine your strategies continuously and make informed decisions based on real-time insights.


While lead generation remains valuable, demand generation is essential for long-term B2B success. By understanding the 95-5 rule and focusing on building brand awareness, nurturing relationships, and engaging a wider audience, you can position your business for sustainable growth and adapt to the ever-changing B2B landscape.

Building an effective digital marketing program for your business can be confusing today due to the many available options. Pull out your calendar right now and let’s schedule a time when we can figure out together the ONE BIG THING you should do first to get more prospects aware of your products and services that will convert them to customers as well as start an effective marketing plan to get your brand IN Demand! Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call to audit your current marketing plan for better results.

Oh!  When we do talk, you will get our “No Pitching” guarantee. No pitching means we will not try and sell you in any way. If you want MORE after 30 minutes you will have to ask for it!  We think that sounds fair, don’t you? Well, after all, that is what we are known for.

FOCUS 24 Series Discussion Topics


Is Your Messaging Clear and Simple To Understand

In the early stages of their business, founders often struggle to come up with really strong messaging that is clear and simple to understand as well as to describe what they are selling, and this has a huge impact on their ability to make sales, find customers, and attract employees. Making your message clear and simple to understand is hard to achieve. This post focuses on how to get messaging and positioning right in the early stages of your company.

This article discusses the importance of clear messaging for startups and offers practical steps to create a positioning statement and a “One Simple Thing” message.

Why is Messaging Important?

  1. Connect with stakeholders: A clear message attracts customers, investors, employees, and the press. Without it, they won’t understand your value proposition.
  2. Control the narrative: If you don’t define your brand, the market will do it for you, potentially misrepresenting your vision.
  3. Team alignment: A consistent message ensures everyone in your team understands and communicates the same story to customers.

Common Messaging Problems:

  • Focusing on features: Founders often get caught up in technical details, forgetting that buyers care about benefits.
  • Lack of clarity: Founders may assume their audience understands their product, leading to confusion.
  • Uninformed targeting: Without understanding their target segment, founders struggle to find the right messaging.

Crafting Your Message:

  • Positioning Statement: This concise statement defines your target audience, value proposition, and differentiation.
  • One Simple Thing: This single sentence summarizes the most important benefit you offer.

Developing Your Positioning Statement:

  1. Target: Who are your ideal customers?
  2. Segment: Who within your target is most likely to buy?
  3. Category: How do you fit into the competitive landscape?
  4. Distinction: What makes you unique and valuable?
  5. Proof: What evidence supports your claims?

Tips for Crafting Your Message:

  • Keep it simple: Avoid jargon and marketing hype.
  • Test and iterate: Get feedback from real customers and prospects.
  • Be clear and concise: Use language anyone can understand.

Benefits of a Strong Message:

  • Attract customers: People understand your value proposition and want to learn more.
  • Raise capital: Investors see a clear path to success.
  • Hire talent: People are excited to join your mission.
  • Build brand loyalty: Customers become advocates for your brand.

This provides you with some things to consider if your business is struggling. Often it is because you are struggling to tell the world your story on what you sell and why they should do business with you.

Building an effective digital marketing program for your business can be confusing today due to the many available options. Pull out your calendar right now and let’s schedule a time when we can figure out together the ONE BIG THING you should do first to get more prospects aware of your products and services that will convert them to customers as well as start an effective marketing plan to get your brand IN Demand! Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call to audit your current marketing plan for better results.

Oh!  When we do talk, you will get our “No Pitching” guarantee. No pitching means we will not try and sell you in any way. If you want MORE after 30 minutes you will have to ask for it!  We think that sounds fair, don’t you? Well, after all, that is what we are known for.

FOCUS 24 Series Discussion Topics