Organic SEO vs PPC (Pay Per Click)
For the past few months we have seen a heated debate rising as to which is better – organic search engine optimization or pay per click. Both organic search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) search are important just as public relations and advertising co-exist. It really isn’t an either/or situation for both of these methods of creating awareness about your company. The relative success of public relations and advertising is different for every company. Similarly the mix for SEO and PPC varies from marketer to marketer.
So what is Organic SEO? It’s making sure your site is optimized to aquire link popularity to gain more view results. This translates into a higher ranking on search engines related to your choosen search terms and keyword phrases.
What is PPC? You are buying clicks or site visitors from a search engine. At the end of the day PPC is a broad market place where you are buying and selling eyeballs for any given website. Pricing varies on what you pay per click. It really depends on how popular your category is such as real estate, fishing and automobiles. The more popular the category the more you will pay per click through to your site. The higher the margins of profit you have on a product will allow you to determine how aggressively you will be able to dominate your market. The more money you have to bid for placement will speed your results.
No matter if you use Organic SEO or PPC you need to be able to get access to your site statistics, analytics and metrics in order to know what sort of return on your investment you are getting on both methods. It really boils down to how soon do you need results? While getting your site ranked nationally through organic methods will take time, you should consider local search engine rankings since often times your competition hasn’t. Right now over 20% of the searches being conducted online are local in nature. That number will rise in the next two years significantly.
One fundamental question you need to ask yourself is how soon do you need results? Understand that organic results will take 2-6 months to get the sort of results you want. The more resources, time and money you can spend on either will increase the number of eyeballs coming to your site. It should be noted that organic results are felt to be more trustworthy by your potential visitor.
Next week we will discuss some of the factors that will effect your success or failure in growing your sites traffic. See you then
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