Podcast Ep. #16: The Host is Now The Guest! Interesting!!
This week’s episode takes a little bit of a twist. One of our former guests Susan Segat (Episode #011) turns the tables on me and interviews me for my own podcast. It caught me off guard but she wanted my perspective on marketing. So your humble host, Mark Treager, is this week’s guest on the show and I have to say Susan asked some really good questions. I think we need to get her back to host the show again. She did a great job. I think you will enjoy this episode! We discuss a great deal about marketing including why every company needs a 4-year-old product/services test no matter what! You will understand once you see the video linked below. I welcome your feedback.
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NOTE: You can also listen to the episode here, or download the episode to your device (right click and save). Be sure and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and on our YouTube Channel right now.
In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- The 2 basic marketing questions you need to be able to answer about your business
- Need to become a master storyteller
- Current buyer satisfaction trends
- The formula for building trust with your future customers
- The videos you need to tell your story
- New marketing strategies you should be investigating now
- Marketing from a Boollennial’s point of view. You really need to hear this!
- The future of voice in marketing
- Brand-Storming session as your foundation to building a marketing plan
- Why every company needs a 4-year-old product tester – For Real! Video evidence!
- And much more in this episode…
Links & Resources
- Sniply marketing tool you need to be using!
- Don Miller’s StoryBrand book
- 4-Year Old Product Tester video. Best product marketing video ever!
- To contact Mark Treager Click Now!
- Also, Pitch us on a question that we can answer in a future podcast episode.
Thanks for Listening!
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Also, it would mean a lot to us if you would leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Ratings and reviews not only help us serve you better, but they make a huge difference in the show’s ranking on iTunes.
If you have any questions you’d like featured on the show, or if you would like to suggest an expert (yourself included!), please let us know HERE.
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