Since the beginning of YouTube back a few years ago it has, by every indication, become the number two search engine in the world. With more than 85% of all people with Internet access using the web now to research everything from products, services, and companies I see it also being used to answer questions, to find how to do something and even teach you Calculus! Yes math through the use of streaming media! My teenager can now have access to a host of virtual teachers online 24/7/365! All I can say is I’m jealous because I had to do it the old fashioned way!
I have a high school senior that had a horrible teacher this year in AP Calculus and when he exhausted the conventional means of getting help to understand what was being taught in the classroom, I caught him one night on YouTube having the answers to his questions explained in remarkable detail right online by another teacher half a world away. At first I was upset but then before I could say anything I had to admire my son for taking the initiative to use the Internet to solve his homework problems. The end result was an A for the semester and we are still waiting for the AP results.
Our Po!nt: While many see little, if any, value in the Internet this second generation of Interneters have embraced it as part of their everyday lives as a resource base to find answers in a click. Wait, after 17 years of Internet use I have done the same. Like father, like son (he’ll hate that if he reads this)! As always we welcome your thoughts and comments on this or any topic.