Top 5 On Our Radar – Week 10/4
Our weekly review of 5 of the best websites and blog posts we have run across during the past week. From tools you can use to things that make you go…MMM! Please add your best sites in the comments below!
1. 5 Ways to Use Google Voice for Your Business – Even though the service hasn’t dramatically changed since then, it’s still very useful to those that run small businesses, because it can give them an extra edge and make professional life much easier — at least, it can if you know how to use it.
2. Sell Online Marketing To Your Boss: 7 Euphemisms Everyone Needs – To someone unfamiliar with online marketing, terms like blogging, RSS, and social media not only sound strange but are also unclear in terms of how they connect to business objectives.
3. 5 Tips for Utilizing Skype for Business – Very few get the full value out of Skype, though. Many in the business world don’t realize just how useful Skype can be or how much time it can save for those that know its best features or the tricks for getting the most of the desktop client.
4. 7 Tips To Mastering Facebook Advertising – Facebook offers a cost effect alternative to Pay Per Click on such sites as Google, Bing and Yahoo. This article gives you some ways to maximize your opportunities and a solid ROI strategy.
5. 25 Tips For Killer Facebook Marketing – Finally a real guide to using Facebook to grow your business. This is good stuff!
Our Po!nt: Enjoy! We would like to hear about some of your favorite websites that you run across so we can share them here.
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