Top 5 On Our Radar – Week of 9/27
Our weekly review of 5 of the best websites and blog posts we have run across during the past week. From tools you can use to things that make you go…MMM! Please add your best sites in the comments below!
1. 4 Ways to Use Twitter to Support Your Blog – Stay tuned! We are going to be using some of these ideas in the coming weeks.
2. 33 Free Online Image Editors – Online photo editing has many advantages and has become a popular option for many people. Because there is no software to install there is no issues with the software taking up resources. Check these out!
3. Ten Ways To Use Technology To Enhance Marketing – While most marketers are afraid of technology, these 10 are simple to use and/or implement.
4. Breaking Down Doors: Promoting Yourself to Dream Clients – Finally a step by step method of getting more of the sort of clients you want and others will envy! Good stuff here!
5. 20 Quick Rules To Make Your Presentation Better – When was the last time you reviewed your sales pitch or presentation to make sure it still makes sense and is relevant to today’s market. Here are some rules to consider that just might put it over the top!
Our Po!nt: Enjoy! We would like to hear about some of your favorite websites that you run across so we can share them here.
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