Top 5 On Our Radar – Week of 9/6

Our weekly review of the top 5 of the best websites and blog posts we have run across during the past week. From tools you can use to things that make you go…MMM! Please add your best sites in the comments below!

1. 5 Skills Marketing Employees Must Have – Tired of hiring “Marketing” people that say they are “experts”? I know I am. Here are 5 skills to check out right from the first meeting to see if they even know how to do the job!

2. 4 Things to Consider When Creating a Business Logo – Four things to really consider as you put a window into your company with your logo!

3. 2 LinkedIn Networking Tips You Should Be Aware Of – With the popularity of LinkedIn, few of us really understand how powerful of a tool this social network can be in finding opportunities. Here are just two more great ideas for using LinkedIn.

4. Top 10 Facebook Pages And Why They Are Successful– This article examines 10 of the top Facebook pages from brands you’ll likely recognize. Regardless of the size of your business, you’ll discover great ideas that will help you take your Facebook experience to the next level.

5. 10+ SEO Bots & What You Need to Know – Finally some sense about all of the “bots” out there that are looking at your website.

Our Po!nt: Enjoy! We would like to hear about some of your favorite websites that you run across so we can share them here.

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