Can I Afford Streaming Video On My Website?
The short answer is can you afford not too? The power of video is amazing in building confidence in your company’s products and brand. Research shows that if a person can watch a product being demonstrated live or watch a video they are 80% more likely to make a buying decision at that moment.
Over the past few years with the advances in Internet technology, streaming video that was once reserved for the companies with big budgets is now within reach of most small businesses. Thanks in part to new
compression technologies, ubiquitous high-speed Internet access, readily available bandwidth and lower storage costs, to name a few you can now use streaming video on your website for as little as $75 a month.
As a result, website managers today can easily implement any number of new media strategies to their Web presence without breaking the bank, including video on demand, user-generated content, podcasts, audio and video testimonials, product showcases, flash demos, video merchandising and much more. There are now easy-to-use Web-publishing tools providing clients of all sizes and industries with a secure, affordable Web-based system for storing, managing, publishing and delivering live and/or archived digital media
over the Internet.
Even publishing rich media over the Internet has never been easier. With today’s easy to use, inexpensive, off-the-shelf tools you publish a streaming video as easy as:
– Browse your hard drive for a completed video file (.avi, .mov, .dv, and more)
– Bring it into the software you are using
– Make some quick edits to the video you want to use if necessary
– Then publish it in a variety of web friendly formats
– Upload it to your server
– Added to your web page by pasting the URL to your media
It’s that simple. You or your staff require little training because store and stream solutions use a standard, intuitive file management interface. And, most solutions support the delivery of practically any type of
rich media file.
The technology side of creating streaming video for your site is the easiest part of the process. In the coming weeks we will share with you some of our secrets on making sure that your first or one hundred and first streaming video you produce has the impact you need to turn viewers into buyers.
As alwasy we welcome your comments and thoughts about this or any of our blog entries.
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